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Required Notices and 董事会的政策



Required Notices and 董事会的政策


每年, employees are required to review selected 董事会的政策 that focus on their roles and responsibilities as employees of a school district. These policies reinforce the roles and responsibilities of employees to:

  • Understand the unwavering commitment to Equity and Excellence in Education in 菠菜网lol正规平台

  • Provide a safe and positive school and work climate

  • Provide equal opportunity for all individuals in district programs and activities to ensure they are free from unlawful  discrimination

  • Treat others with dignity, fairness, respect, and unconditional positive regard

  • Establish rules for appropriate conduct, including prohibitions against 欺凌, 网络欺凌, 和骚扰

  • Report discrimination, 欺凌, 恐吓, harassment (including sexual harassment), suicidal warning signs, 虐待儿童, and know the responsibilities for intervention in these circumstances

  • Understand the Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP)

The link below will open the yearly Required Notices and 董事会的政策 document. This document is updated every academic year.  You will need to open each link and review each document.  Once all of the links have been opened and reviewed, you will have the option to electronically sign the document by printing your name and entering your site in the fields provided  Once all of these items are completed, a blue "click to sign" button will appear at the bottom of your screen.

Required Notices and 董事会的政策 Document

To complete submission of the document, you will be asked to provide an email address.  A request to confirm your email address will be sent to the address provided.  You will then receive a link to the completed document. Print off a copy and send it to your administrator/manager or secretary.

For more information or questions regarding this process, please contact:

Human Resource Services
(562) 997-8204